TUM Language Center Quality Assurance Group
The TUM Language Center Quality Assurance Group was founded by members of our faculty to support teacher development and improve classroom practice. The group organizes regular teacher training workshops and student evaluations.
Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren (AKS)
The TUM Language Center is a member of the Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren an Hochschulen e.V.
The management of the AKS is the responsibility of the “Ständige Kommission” (SK) elected by the General Assembly. Its members include up to 25 representatives from language centers and member associations. The TUM Language Center is represented on the SK for the 2024-2026 legislature by Christina Thunstedt, Head Lecturer.
The SK meets three times a year. It plans and coordinates all activities of the AKS (work priorities, publications, specialist events). It prepares the working conferences and carries them out in cooperation with the organizing Language Center.
From May 2024, our German lecturer Dominik Selent will send a monthly newsletter to the lecturers at the TUM Language Center, providing them with the latest information on the topic of AI (in teaching).
You can download all issues of the newsletter here:
AI-Newsletter July 2024
AI-Newsletter June 2024
AI-Newsletter May 2024
Sign up for the newsletter via e-mail to: dominik.selent@tum.de
See also: AI meets foreign language teaching - workshop days at the TUM Language Center and link collection on AI
The TUM Language Center as a driving force at the HRK ADVANCE
In June 2023, as part of the project "HRK ADVANCE - Optimizing Governance and Processes of Internationalization", our Head Lecturer Christina Thunstedt was invited to give a keynote presentation in the workshop "Quality Assurance of Multilingual Teaching: Teaching Evaluation, Continuing Education, Institutional Services" by presenting formats and services through which TUM supports teachers in foreign language teaching.
The contribution focused on the services offered to teachers and staff for language acquisition as well as for the support of foreign-language lesson preparation.
In December 2023, HRK ADVANCE released a collection of best practice examples on the topics of virtual mobility for international students and multilingualism in academic programs. It's a dynamic collection that can be expanded throughout the next project year through submissions on the project website. The contribution from our head editor, Christina Thunstedt, was also published here: Online Sprachtandem zwischen Partneruniversitäten zur Verbesserung der virtuellen Mobilität für internationale Studierende
You can find the whole collection of examples here. | More information on Language tandems with partner universities | More information on the HRK Advance: www.hrk-advance.de
AG Lernerfolg on the ScholarSHIP
From May 4 to 5, 2023, the members of the TUM Language Center's AG Lernerfolg participated in the intensive workshop "Analog | Digital | Integrated: Competence-Oriented Testing of the Future", a project of ProfiLehrePlus and BayZiel. They traveled on the ScholarSHIP from Regensburg to Passau and were able to discuss competency-based testing and other exciting topics in higher education didactics along the Danube in perfect weather.
At the end of the symposium, the presentation of the ScholarSHIP results by the teams was followed by exciting keynotes on the topic of artificial intelligence in education and a panel discussion on the future of examinations at universities at the QUADIS Ergebniskonferenz, a cooperation event of the University of Regensburg, the Technical University of Munich and the University of Passau.
In order to continue offering modern and action-oriented examination formats and to tailor the examinations at the TUM Language Center even more closely with the needs and interests of our target group in the future, we subsequently asked them directly: At the end of May 2023, a survey with eight questions on the topic of "What should exams at the TUM Language Center look like in the future?" was sent to all students who have taken/are taking a language course at the TUM Language Center in the winter semester 2022/23 and/or the summer semester 2023
Mehrsprachigkeit als Katalysator: Fallbeispiel Schwedisch
Monica Bravo Granström, Christina Thunstedt
Mehrsprachigkeit als Katalysator: Fallbeispiel Schwedisch
Korean lecturer wins prize at Leipziger Buchmesse
Ki-Hyang Lee has won the Leipziger Buchmesse 2024 Prize in the category translation for her translation of the book “Der Fluch des Hasen” by South Korean author Bora Chung.
The book fair's website states: "Ki-Hyang Lee has translated the ten witty short stories into German and found a suitable translation for both the subtle humor and the descriptions of real-life horror. Just like the rabbit, the stories also take hooks; full of clever twists and turns, the cruelties of our modern times shine out from beneath every situation, no matter how mundane. [...] Ki-Hyang Lee has translated Chung's bizarre short stories into a trenchant German prose that is slightly out of step with the norm, giving the absurd and uncanny in German an appropriately peculiar form."
She has been teaching Korean at the TUM Language Center for almost 10 years. We congratulate her warmly and are grateful to have such a great translator and lecturer on our staff!
Source: https://www.preis-der-leipziger-buchmesse.de/de/nominierungen/2024/uebersetzung/
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