Would you like to know more about us? Here you will find reports and news about new projects and current programs of the TUM Language Center.
- TUM Language Center in the magazine of the Mechanical Engineering Student Council, reisswolf 03/24
The German-Swedish online tandem project of the partner universities KTH Stockholm and TU Munich is now a firmly integrated part of our Swedish language teaching at levels B1-B2 (and in a simplified version at A2 level). Read more about it in the 33rd issue of the AKS newsletter: PDF Download Newsletter
Alex Maria Hiebl from the TOP FM Frühstücksradio (morning show) is looking for the most curious stories and people in Upper Bavaria. For exampe he was looking for an individual speaking more than four languages fluently. Christina Thunstedt, Head Lecturer at TUM Language Center and TUM student Thea provided input.
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