Hjärtligt välkommen!
Swedish is the native language of about 10 million people. It is the official language of Sweden and also one of the two official languages of Finland. Swedish is a descendant of Old Norse and is closely related to Danish and Norwegian. Swedish is characterized by its melodic accent and distinctive vowel system.
Intensive Courses in September/October 2024
Language courses in winter semester
Swedish-exchange with students from the partner university KTH
Fit for TUM - TUM Language Center
We offer Swedish courses from level A1 to B2.2 following the CEFR.
Not every course may be offered every semester.
Please determine your course level by taking our placement test.
Intensive courses (course levels may vary) take place during the semester break in spring and fall.
The intensive courses take place over a shorter period of time, but have more training units per week than the courses during the semester. The number of ECTS and the workload is therefore the same as for the semester-long courses.
Current dates and registration deadlines can be found on our homepage.
A - Nybörjare
isolerade kunskapsöar, motivationssteg, standardiserade situationer, kommunikation är det viktiga, ordförrådet är det intressanta, språket styr
B - Självständig
B1: man styr språket, tröskelnivå, grammatik och register smyger sig in, det mesta är gemensamt
B2: specialisering, utvidgning/breddning, kulturell medvetenhet, inte "riktigt svenskt"
C - Avancerad
kan leda/presentera/bidra, även utanför sitt område, klarar nya situationer, kan improvisera
You can find a complete overview of our course program in TUMonline.
Would you like to make contact with other TUM students or employees and at the same time improve your language skills in a flexible and practical way? At TUMtandem we will find a tandem partner for you within TUM and support your joint learning process. More information on TUMtandem
The summer semester 2020 marks the beginning of the first e-learning project between the Swedish area at the TUM Language Center and the German area, Language and Communication, at the KTH.
The online tandem is linked to specific topics relevant to students at both universities and takes place every semester in two selected courses at A2 and B level. After a successful start around application and internships in the other country, the past semesters continued with topics like innovation, startups, sustainability and motivation.
Cooperation with Swedish Chamber of Commerce
The German-Swedish Talent Program is an exclusive scholarship from the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Germany for Master students with a technical or economics-oriented degree program. Required are Swedish skills at A2 level.
"The German-Swedish Talent Program". ("Dialog": Annual magazine of the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce)
The German-Swedish Chamber offers a mentoring program for young professionals.
Every year in March we are taking applications (max. three) from TUM students from level A2 who want to apply for a scholarship for a summer course in Sweden.
If you are interested, please register Thunstedt(at)zv.tum.de
In cooperation with University Stockholm (Institutionen för svenska och flerspråkighet/
Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism) the TISUS-Test can be taken each May and October at the TUM Language Center.
More inforamtion can be found at Stockholm University.
Information om Tisus finns på: https://www.su.se/tisus
Information om hur du förbereder dig inför Tisus: https://www.su.se/tisus/forbereddig
Här hittar du svar på de allra vanligaste frågorna om Tisus: https://www.su.se/tisus/FAQ
Prov- och anmälningsdatum: https://www.su.se/tisus/datum
The Virtual University of Bavaria (vhb) offers the online language courses "Klara, färdiga, gå" for Swedish.
The courses can be a useful supplement to the Swedish courses at TUM.
Please note that the TUM Language Center currently cannot guarantee that ECTS will be awarded for these courses.
Courses of the vhb are free for TUM students and registration is carried out using the TUM-ID.
Start of the next registration 10.10.2022.
More detailed information about the courses can be found in the course descriptions
Students interested in a career in ICT (information and communication technology) can register at Sweden ICT and get the opportunity to get in touch with exciting Swedish companies. The next event will take place on April 13, 2021.
The TUM language center cooperates with the Swedish Institute (Svenska Institutet).
For further information, please visit the website of the Swedish Institute.
- Textbooks by our Swedish teacher Petra Dai Javad
- Monica Bravo Granström, Christina Thunstedt: Mehrsprachigkeit als Katalysator: Fallbeispiel Schwedisch
- The TUM Language Center at the panel discussion with the Swedish Queen
- Studying in Sweden
- 10 Swedish words you need to know if you are studying in Sweden
- Swedish in the world: On Instagram #svenskanivarlden ISwedish students from different corners of the world share their impressions of their Swedish lessons and their relationship to Sweden. An initiative of the Swedish Institute, Stockholm (SI) in cooperation with Swedish lectorates in: Osaka (Ulf Larsson), Munich (Christina Thunstedt), Moskva (Anders Olsson), Vancouver (Lena Karlström), Bucharest (Björn Apelkvist) and Warsaw (Gabriel Stille)
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