TUM Language Center programs are free and available to all members of the TUM community. You can participate in all Language Center courses and programs. The only exceptions are programs developed and financed in cooperation with faculties/schools or study programs and and are accordingly access restricted.
The registration deadlines can be found on our homepage in the registration details of the course on TUMonline. Places will not be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. This means that the exact time of your registration does not affect your chances of getting a fixed place.
Placement test: please determine your course level before registration!
The course levels from A1 to C2 are based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
Students with previous experience with the language, please check your language level using either our placement test, or choose a course either one level up from your most recently completed course in this language, provided the course was at the TUM or based on a certificate issued according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
If you have no previous knowledge of the language, register for a course at level A1 or A1.1.
The placement test
- is available in Chinese, German, English, Franch, Itxalian, Russian, Swedish and Spanish
- is always available for self-enrollment in Moodle for the respective semester at least 4 weeks before the start of lectures and
- will be linked here:
take summer semester placement test
take winter semester placement test
Note: intensive courses in fall belong to the summer semester. Exception: German intensive courses in October belong to the winter semester.
- Students and exchange students at TUM can register via TUMonline during the registration period.
See instructions how to register in TUMonline. - Please note that you can only register once your enrollment at TUM is completed. For more information, please visit If you are having problems with your account, please contact the IT Support Team (it-support(at)
- Details on the allocation of places can be found in our FAQs.
Please note: by receiving a confirmed place you are automatically registered for the exam as well. Please refer to our notes on exam registration.
Registration info for
→ Intercultural Communication
→ TUMtandem
→ Events
Doctoral students (who are signed in for a PhD program and therefore have student status in TUMonline) register via TUMonline during the registration period. See instructions how to register in TUMonline. Please do not register as staff member and as student at the same time!
For information on staff programms see TUM staff and doctoral candidates
To register please write an email to the lecturer of the course beforehand. You can find the e-mail adress in TUMonline.
For German and English please use our staff programs:
→ English for Staff
→ German for Researchers
Registration info for
→ Intercultural Communication
→ TUMtandem
→ Events
The TUM Language Center reserves the right to cancel courses in case of low number of present participants.
Please note E-mail-etiquette
and use your TUM-E-mail-address,
so we can better spot your E-mails.