"When you walk in a Dutch city, with its tight alleyways, narrow old buildings, and their big windows that let you see what life is like on the inside. It is a feeling that everything is scaled down to a cozy human level, that the sense of community you get from the stranger whose home you can peer into that has somehow invited you to watch them sit with their pet, see their favorite book, and share the joy with their children playing. The Dutch have word for this feeling, and it is one of my favorite words ever: "Gezelligheid"."
Welkom op de webstek Nederlands!
Dutch is a West Germanic language like German and English. It is the native language of most of the inhabitants of the Netherlands, Flanders and Suriname. Dutch is also the official language of the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten.
We offer Dutch courses from level A1 to B1 following the CEFR.
Not every course may be offered every semester.
You can find a complete overview of our course program in TUMonline.
Would you like to make contact with other TUM students or employees and at the same time improve your language skills in a flexible and practical way? At TUMtandem we will find a tandem partner for you within TUM and support your joint learning process. More information on TUMtandem
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