Discovering cultures | Communicating science | Preparing for international collaborations
The TUM Language Center will also be represented at the TUM Student Club Fair on October 23, 2024. More info
Events, Languages |
On October 9, 2024 at 09.00, the TUM Language Center will present its offerings at the Fit for TUM Service Fair. Save the date!
Speakers: Christina Thunstedt and Esther Kaminski
Language: English
Registration: register now
More information on the Fit for TUM website.
As part of our presentation last year, we asked the over 200 participants: Why learn languages? Here are their inspiring and insightful responses:
Discovering cultures | Communicating science | Preparing for international collaborations
The TUM Language Center will also be represented at the TUM Student Club Fair on October 23, 2024. More info