Ki-Hyang Lee has won the Leipziger Buchmesse 2024 Prize in the category translation for her translation of the book “Der Fluch des Hasen” by South Korean author Bora Chung.
The book fair's website states: "Ki-Hyang Lee has translated the ten witty short stories into German and found a suitable translation for both the subtle humor and the descriptions of real-life horror. Just like the rabbit, the stories also take hooks; full of clever twists and turns, the cruelties of our modern times shine out from beneath every situation, no matter how mundane. [...] Ki-Hyang Lee has translated Chung's bizarre short stories into a trenchant German prose that is slightly out of step with the norm, giving the absurd and uncanny in German an appropriately peculiar form."
She has been teaching Korean at the TUM Language Center for almost 10 years. We congratulate her warmly and are grateful to have such a great translator and lecturer on our staff!